Dehydration among seniors is a common concern of their physicians and care providers. We simply do not drink enough water. Experts recommend a minimum of five 8-ounce glasses per day. Getting your loved one to increase fluid intake may seem difficult. But there are some easy ways to help them gradually drink more throughout the day.


  • Always have water available. Keep a glass of water on the table and refill it frequently.
  • Travel smart. When you are out with your loved ones, bring bottled water with you. Make it convenient.
  • Discourage alcohol and caffeine, which both have a diuretic effect.
  • Be creative. If your loved one doesn’t like the taste of plain water, try offering them flavored water. Coconut water is a great source for hydration. Avoid sports drinks with high sugar content.
  • Suggest foods with a high-water content.  Many fruits and vegetables – such as celery, grapes, watermelon, cucumbers, apples and berries – can help keep hydration levels up. Low-sodium soups are also great.
  • Offer frozen options. Popsicles are fun at any age, but look for sugar-free options whenever possible.
  • Practice what you preach. Your loved one may be less likely to hydrate if you don’t follow the same approach. Staying hydrated together requires teamwork. Be a good role model.